Girl Scouts of the Chesapeake Bay

Supporting Your Service Unit

Managing Troops

During the Product Programs, you will maintain close communication with troops within your Service Unit to stay updated on happenings, relay announcements from council, and offer your guidance and support. You should remind troops of deadlines and keep spirits high by being a program promoter and a resource for troop questions and concerns.

To keep track of Troop Cookie Champions (TCCs)/Troop Fall Product Champions (TFPCs) in your Service Unit and their contact information, feel free to use this SU TCC Template to help you stay organized. 

Hosting A Service Unit Cookie or Fall Product Meeting

A pre-Program Service Unit meeting, good communication, and documentation throughout the program are key to your Service Unit’s success. You may not be able to meet in-person, but you can still host a Service Unit Cookie or Fall Product meeting virtually.

At this meeting, you’ll help troops understand:

When’s the perfect time to hold your meeting? Schedule the meeting after you’ve had your Service Unit level training from GSCB, but prior to the start of the program.

Managing Juliettes/Individual Participants

Juliette Girl Scouts are girls who participate in Girl Scouts individually, outside of a traditional troop. This option offers flexibility in schedule, and allows the program to be 100% girl-led. Despite not being part of a troop, Juliettes can still participate in the Girl Scout Cookie and Fall Product Programs! In addition, girls who are participating in a troop but the troop is not participating in the Cookie Program, or the troop is not meeting currently, can also still participate in the Cookie or Fall Product Programs as an individual girl. (Contact for assistance in beginning your Product Program today!)

Supporting Juliettes or individual girl participants is slightly different than supporting troops.

The GSCB Product Program team will provide each Juliette Girl Scout in the Service Unit with a special troop number for GSCB Product Programs (Cookie Program – eBudde; Fall Product Program – M2OS). Returning Juliettes will keep the same special troop number they had previously, and for the entirety of her Juliette Girl Scout career with GSCB.

Registered Juliettes will be uploaded to eBudde and Digital Cookie to participate with their individual Juliette troop number first with access ONLY to Digital Cookie direct-shipped and Donated order taking capabilities.  

The adult volunteer or parent/caregiver supervising the Girl Scout will be given access as the troop volunteer for their Girl Scout in M2OS and/or eBudde after completing the Juliette Product Program Agreement form and the accompanying troop Cookie/FPP training in gsLearn. GSCB will notify the the volunteer/caregiver of the their special troop number to use in eBudde/M2OS and how to login to the system.

GSCB will provide the Juliette Girl Scout with the necessary materials (if they are not direct-shipped to their home and requirements are completed) and inform the volunteer/caregiver of any Cookie/FPP trainings. You will inform them of any SU meetings about Cookie/FPP they should attend.

Juliettes must follow the same guidelines for troops, and Juliettes can participate in the same opportunities as troops for selling cookies or fall products. Juliettes report to the SU Cookie Champion and/or GSCB Product Program team directly. This is mostly dependent on whether your SU has a cookie cupboard or not.

Juliettes are not required to take full cases of cookies. They only pick up cookies for which they have orders or need to conduct a booth.

Juliettes can conduct cookie booths on their own, but two adults must still be present at all Juliette booths.

Juliette families must make cookie/FPP payments to GSCB via credit card or by providing their bank account information in eBudde/M2OS for automatic ACH debits. GSCB will not make credits towards Juliette’s personal bank accounts due to IRS guidelines for Girl Scouts. If these are not options for Juliettes personally, GSCB will help make arrangements for payment with the caregiver.

Juliette Proceeds

For the GSCB Fall Product Program, Juliettes earn the same base proceed as traditional Girl Scout troops at 15% for each item sold. They do not have the option to opt-out of rewards to earn additional proceeds, nor do they earn additional proceeds available at the troop level. 

For the GSCB Cookie Program, Juliettes earn an extended base proceed of $0.85 per package sold, based on a PGA scale for all GSCB Juliette Girl Scouts (see the tiered scale below). They do not have the option to opt-out of rewards to earn additional proceeds, nor do they earn additional proceeds available at the troop level.

The GSCB Product Program team will reach out to Juliette caregivers at the completion of each Product Program to send an update of the total amount earned during the program, as well as the total amount available on her Juliette account.

For Juliettes to use their credits, the caregiver will make an out-of-pocket purchase and submit the completed Juliette Credit Redemption Form (online) to receive reimbursement for any Girl Scout related activities, trips, programs, events or purchases (such as GSCB or GSUSA shop purchases). Juliette caregivers must submit/upload pictures or scans of the original receipts within the online form, so please be prepared in advance. *GSCB reserves the right to deny purchases and reimbursements for anything that is not Girl Scout-related. 

IMPORTANT: GSCB will retain custody of Juliette Girl Scout credit funds for the entirety of her Girl Scout career with GSCB, until she graduates high school, or they are used to a zero balance. 

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